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I Can Do Good All By Myself! - Book Cover

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Kid In The King

As we approach Father's Day, we take time to honor the Men who hung in there, stayed in the fight and "manned-up" to the responsibilities of being the men to their families that they were created to be. I especially love Father's Day because since I've been married to God's Choice for me as a Husband, I am able to see a firsthand example of Godly Fatherhood. As a female who grew up in a home where my Father was the only male present, I didn't take advantage of the eyewitness opportunities to see what my Daddy truly went through to be the Man of the House. Since my husband came into my son's and my life, I am able to watch him pour wisdom and life lessons into my son and teach him what it really means to be a man of God. Watching their relationship grow and develop does my heart a world of good because their love shows me that there are no boundaries when a man truly loves. He Loves For Real! Althrough I've never met my husband's biological father, when I see the love in my Husband's eyes and hear the love in his voice when he calls my Father "Daddy", I treasure the blessing that God has sent to my life even the more. When my son runs down the stairs when he hears my husband's truck pull up in the driveway, or when they rough-house together on the floor and I hear the joy in my husband's and son's voice because "Dad's home", I celebrate the Kid in the King: The Man who is innocent enough to let the little boy in him peek through just enough to connect with the young man who is entering into manhood and meet him where he is. The King who has weathered the storms of life enough to lead his sons into their divine destinies in God. I thank God for allowing me to see the love of a father through my son's eyes; what a spectacular view!